What is the next web?

Last Friday I attended to the Next Web, (although i was very luck to been able to speak with some people on the night before) Because a lot of websites already did great coverages of the day, ill stick to the things i learned.

So what is the next web?

The next web is wireless (not mobile)

Although a lot of people and businesses are really betting on the mobile platform, I think a mobile phone is just some kind of small laptop computer, and that is only a matter of time before we will use it that way (or it’s already been used if you count all the blackberries at the next web). Off course there are different demands when you are wireless, location based services will really grow the upcoming years. But things like sms, mms, and paying extra for calling for long distances will (hopefully) soon be gone.

The Next Web isn’t a web
The web still refers to something static as the spider web. There is probably a need for a new metaphor. Something that is everywhere, always chancing, and always on. It’s a life and it’s about us and the world around us. (Thanks to Tapan Bath’s slide.)

The Next Web is about being connected.
Deborah Schultz already mentioned it, she has about 3000 connections, not all friends, not all a people on one platform like myspace or linked in, but just connections. I think although in lesser extent for me it’s the same. I have many connections, friends from the early days, classmates, ex-colleagues, people i’ve met, people I’ve never met etcetera. The more important a connection is, the more places I use to connect with them. We are probably becoming like star treks the Borg, but without a leader.

The Next Web is de-central
Although the web is in it being de-central, there will be more nodes and the size these nodes will be (relatively) smaller. It is really about the connection, the days of the portals are gone. It’s a headless organisation (like the starfish). The fact that the web is the biggest human invention that has never been out of order since it was build is a big proof of concept. Of course there will be small central places, smaller and bigger spiders will arise, but it wont be big companies any more, it will be people. Who those spiders are? They are the people you first visit and connect when a new social network arises.

The Next Web is about love
This Kevin Kelly quote from last years Next Web is still true I think, thanks to the transparency of the current web (and world) those who are only in it for the money will be discovered very quick and die a silent dead. Those who are however passionate about their work and their life, and are willing to share as much as possible will be the new big spiders of the future.

The Next Web is a social prison
Thanks to it’s structure the web will work as a modern version of the panopticon. With the difference that there is now a two way structure. Everyone will be able to see everyone else, but no-one will be sure if they are being watched. Misbehaviour will be punished, and only a honest reaction will save your ass.

The Next Web will be transparent
As mentioned above, thanks to to speed of information, the multi-connections and the possibility to read and write everywhere. it’s impossible to keep secrets on the web. If you suck, everyone will know it, if you rock everyone will know it too.

As a whole I liked the 2007 edition of the Next Web, I still think it’s one of the best Dutch events we have (together with Picnic) it gave me the opportunity to meet many old friends, to connect with new people and to learn and discuss about the current state of the web. And even been shocked that people knew who I was without ever meeting them before. A big Yay Hooray to Boris, Patrick and Arjen for making this thing happen.

For the next Next Web I would love to see some good science fiction writer or movie maker. Bruce Sterling or William Gibson would be high on my list of recommendations.

Check out some other reviews on BlueAce, MarketingFacts, Mashable, Upstream, Frankwatching, Marketing-podcast and DutchCowboys as well as the photos on Flickr, the videos on YouTube and of course the posts on the web itself.